Monday, November 19, 2007

Fall in Kansas

Good evening passer-by's and welcome! Do you realize how difficult it is to find a unique Blog name? Just when I thought I'd found one that nobody else would have picked, Blogger informed me it was already taken. Well I really liked Adopha (German for Noble She Wolf), so I added "Chronicles of" before it and Voila! Makes perfect sense to me. Why Adolpha? Several years ago when I had an intuitive portrait done, the reader/artist drew many variations of a she wolf surrounded by many other things representative of my life. Basically I am a protector/warrior/mother who will defend her offspring until the end. In my case that includes one lovely grown-up daughter who is pretty good at sticking up for herself. Anyway, I'm going to publish this first post just so I can see what it looks like, then I'll move on from there....

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Hi....I like the name it is a relly good blog name I like the unusaual.....I did the header in paint shop is an art program that I have used for a long time....lots of layers and cut and pasting plus special effects that one can create ...I am glad you like it...and thanks for stopping by....keep blogging...